Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We had Everleigh’s ears pierced last Friday, and OMG – too freakin cute! I have wanted to get her ears pierced since we have known she was a she! Yes, I have been looking forward to it for that long! We tried to do it when she was 6 weeks old, but she was just too tiny, they didn’t feel her earring placement would be right, and then we tried at 3 months and again, her ears were just too tiny!

So we went back in on Friday and the piercing guy finally said yes! Whoo hoo – happy dance! E held her, because he has bigger hands to hold down little wiggly babies and then the piercer did his thing (we went to a Tattoo and Piercing shop) and it was all over in about 2 minutes. She was definitely unhappy at first, but as soon as they were done and she was back in my arms she was just fine – and we haven’t had any trouble with them! She doesn’t even notice them, which I am so thankful for. I cannot wait until they heal and I can start changing them out to match her outfits, lol… yes I am that mother – so what? ;P

It was a little entertaining to see cute small little Baby Goo right next to the big, bad-ass tattooed guy, and it was even more entertaining to watch him look a little sad and upset at having made her cry! I thought he might almost cry, lol. Yep, I am one mean momma for finding that amusing, but ph well – what can you do?

Oh another note – that night was not all rainbows and sunshine. For the first time ever we had to leave a restaurant because Sawyer was misbehaving soooooo badly. It was mortifying and we didn’t want to ruin dinner for everyone else around us. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later now that he is in the full-blown terrible 2’s phase, but it was still embarrassing! I am sure they were all glad to see us go,lol. I think it was another rite of passage for us as parents of a toddler, but I sincerely hope it’s a one time thing… probably not, but I am an eternal optimist!

Here is the Baby Goo when her new bling in her ears!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

a little introduction...

Hmmm, well I think that I should do a little post about moi, don’t you agree? Kind of a “get to know me” kind of thing that is slightly more elaborate then the blurb on the right side of this page… Let’s see now, I am Tasia, I am married to Edward, I have 2 little ones – Sawyer and Everleigh. Sawyer is 2 and Everleigh is just a little over 4 months. We have 3 furbabies. Penny, Bella and Diesel. I am a SAHM as well as a Florist that works from home. Edward is a Petty Office 2nd Class in the Coast Guard. I am a Sagittarius, he is a Pieces… and I really don’t know what those signs mean to each other, but I thought I would throw that in there!

I am originally from Northern California, since being married to Edward I have also lived in Key West FL, Portland OR, and now the Bay Area. I love animals, shoes, shopping, books, flowers, home decorating, crafting, camping, four-wheeling, riding horses, rollercoaster’s, theme parks, museums, mountains… the list could go on! I consider myself a fairly well rounded individual and am interested in a variety of things. I have a few funny little quirks though. I am a very picky eater, I prefer grey cloudy days to the sunshine, I would rather be cold then hot, I wear black more than any other color, I am obsessed with Harry Potter, I like nighttime better than daytime and I occasionally snort when laughing… shut UP! Don’t say a word about it ;)

I think that’s enough about me for now… stay tuned for more “meisms” in the future!

Monday, January 17, 2011

a new endeavor

Hmmm, well it’s four something in the morning and I had this bright idea that I should give blogging a try. I think that this blog is going to have a little of everything in it. Things about me, things about my family, things I love, things I find interesting, things that I do, ect… Hopefully it will prove somewhat entertaining for those that choose to read it, and if it doesn’t, well, I guess that’s too bad for you! Ha! Just kidding…well maybe just a little, anyways… I really am going to give this a sincere effort. I am going to set myself a goal of at least 1 blog post a week. I think it’s a good, and safe goal to start with as I ease myself into the wide and wonderful world of blogging.

That’s all for tonight (or should I say morning?) seeing as I have a little lady next to me that seems like she might be finally drifting off to her little dreamland. So have a wonderful night, day, whatever you prefer… au revoir!